
Monday, September 15, 2014

Circular Needle Storage: A Mystery of the Universe

Katie Rose here.

As long-time readers of this blog already know, Jordynn and I rarely knit with straight needles. In fact, I don't think I even own them any more. I do, however, own three different sets of interchangeable needles (Denise still being my fav), and a bazatrillion (that's a real number) of regular circular needles. 

I also keep buying cases in which I try to store, in an organized fashion, my circular needles. And yet they always end up looking like this.

I've tried everything to keep them organized, and I always fail. 

And you can see all sorts of really nice needles in that picture: Addi Turbos, Addi Lace, some of those square bamboo ones that I can't remember the name of but feel really cool when you are knitting socks. 

Whatever. Organizing circular needles is like folding fitted sheets or figuring out what happens when something goes into a black hole. 

Point is, I give up. 

To the first person to solve this problem in the comments, I'll send a free pattern of mine of your choice. (If I've already tried your suggestion and/or already own the case—like my Della Q one that is gorgeous, way expensive, and didn't work either, then your entry doesn't count.) 

At her wit's end, but very excited to hear some suggestions,
Katie Rose

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Things to come!

Katie Rose here.

It's officially September, which means that, although it is 90 degrees here in North Carolina, it's time to start knitting again.

I have a number of patterns I'll be writing up for free to share on the blog here, so check back soon for that.

Here's some photographic evidence of my business this summer. School started last week. Momma has time again.

We're also thinking of moving over to Wordpress for our blogging needs. Blogger has been great for the past 6 years (or 7, or, man, whatever but that's a LONG TIME), but now we've outgrown this platform for real.

We'll give you lots of warning before that happens, though. The URL will be, which we already own.

Also, I'm not sure if Jordynn and I ever mentioned this, but we're both pretty active on Twitter. I'm at @krgpryal and she's at @jordynnjack. Come check us out online. (She's very professional. I'm kind of a maniac.)

Stay tuned!