
Friday, October 10, 2008


I'm sitting in the airport getting ready to depart, reviewing the travel-knitting in my carry-on.

There is an art to selecting knitting for travel, especially in this gestapo-bag-check day and age.

The point is, you need to bring knitting that gives you serious bang-per-cubic-inch of your packing space.

Here's what I brought:

1. EZ's Pi shawl. Of course. She wrote an entire chapter on why lace is great travel knitting, and she's right--especially this particular project, which just goes round and round. I might actually finish it on this trip.

2. Top-Secret Lace Project: This is a current design project, which must remain secret because the magazines require it. Just know that it is lacy, but much more complicated than the pi shawl, so although I wrote the pattern, I still have to look at the chart periodically.

3. Top-Secret Glove Project: When this one is unveiled, you'll see why I just HAD to bring it to England. This project I might actually finish on the plane, and then I'll be able to wear it in its honorary spot for photographs.

I plan on KIP-ing a lot there, and will have the husband record it photographically for sharing here.

I just love that our hillbilly airport has a daily direct flight to Heathrow. As we walked in, the husband says, "We'll be using this gate a lot, I think."


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