
Friday, January 28, 2011

Where Did January Go?

Does anyone else out there feel like January was the Incredible Disappearing Month? I just sat down to write in my journal--I try to write nearly every day--and my last entry was LAST WEEK. I was like, what? A whole week, poof? Yes. Poof.

Part of it has to do with how busy my husband is right now. He's a live event producer, specializing in lighting and rigging (that silver truss stuff that hangs from ceilings that all the lights and speakers clamp on to). So, when he has a huge show, like he does this weekend, I'm basically a single mom for a week. Then Adrian got the barfies, and there went Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.


One more question: Any other pregnant knitters out there? Anyone else feel like every sweater they knit (while pregnant) makes you look like a cow? I do. Because, well, I kind of AM a cow. It's cool, it's worth it, but I don't recommend an Aran weight pullover right now. It's not going to look cute and snuggly.

I'm thinking it's time for a new shrug or shawl. Shrugs are cute on pregnant bellies. Hmm...

I did knit a shawl back in October:

Moire-effect color-changes, crocheted picot edging, top-down's pretty great actually. And I gave it to my sister-in-law, so the only pictures I have are ones I took when she was here. She wore this for weeks while her mother was dying, because it was perfect shawl weather around here.

When Mary died, I just gave it to her. This one should be a free pattern, too. I think I'll call it Morning.

That's two patterns I owe you now--the sweater pillow and the morning shawl. Perhaps in February. (Isn't that a short month?)

--Katie Rose

1 comment:

  1. I'm anxiously awaiting your post on how to turn a sweater into a pillow: I've got a pile of 'em standing by! Love your blog!


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