Edward is pushing 6 months at this point, which seems CRAZY. (d.o.b. 4/18/2011.) But, he's the size of an average 11-month-old. That's a 12-month sleep suit he's wearing in this picture (gratuitous cute baby pic #1):
(cute? yes. very cute.) If you notice, he is wearing some knit bootees. I did not knit these--my German au pair's grandmother did. She brought them with her from Germany when she came to live with us. How cool is that? Here's a close-up:
Here's Anna, our au pair. We LOVE HER. If any of you want to talk about welcoming an au pair into your home, I'm your girl (gratuitous cute baby pic #2):
Oh right. This is a knitting blog, not a baby blog. So here's another photo of the bootees. They're made of a wool/nylon blend sock yarn. The draw-string is really great, as is the roll-top cuff. They actually look really dressy on him. Perfect for this fall weather.
There it is. Gratuitous baby pics slipped in under the guise of knitting.
Veryveryvery cute baby! He is a doll!