
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Some Updates, and one Knitting Idea

Knitting a whole sweater has seemed a little overwhelming lately. So here's something I did do:

This is a sweater I got from the Gap a few years ago that I really like--except that it's just a wee bit too short. And now that I'm pregnant, it's way too short. Plus, it didn't gather at the waist or the cuffs at all.

So I raided the stash and found some worsted weight wool and knit on cuffs and a hem using a k1, p1 rib stitch and some small needles so that the stitches would be tight. It came out completely great. I seriously can't believe it. I wear the sweater all the time now. (Remember, bind off LOOSELY, esp. at the hem.)

To follow up from my last post, right now, my husband Michael is at the neurosurgeon's--he's probably going to have surgery tonight to fix the ruptured disc in his back that's impinging on a nerve.

In better news, my son Adrian is over his strep throat. The best decision we made was heading to Greensboro and letting my folks take care of us. We came here last week and we're just staying through Christmas.

Here's to hoping that January will be reeeeeaaaalll slow and unexciting...and snowy! We're supposed to get some southern snow around Christmas, even.

After Mary's funeral and before Mike hurt his back, we had a snow day in Durham. Adrian really loved the snow. Here we are as the snow is falling, the flakes as large as oak leaves.

I'm wearing my handspun Nimbostratus lace scarf (available in my new eBook) and a City Girl Cap by Celeste Young, my absolute favorite hat to wear in the snow, because the brim keeps the flakes off of my glasses. I made a whole slew of them one weekend, some for gifts, and some to keep for myself.

Adrian is wearing moon pants. (I mean, a metallic snow bib that my neighbors gave us as a hand-me-down.) He was completely psyched.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Life of a Knitty Professor, Part 2

It's Tuesday, at 9 a.m.

I'm 21 weeks pregnant. I just dropped my 19 month old off at preschool. My husband threw his back out at work this weekend. It's been three days and he's worse. A revision of my latest book manuscript is due on Friday. I have a ton of Christmas presents to finish making. Because Michael's been hurt, house looks like Pompeii: The Morning After. There is nothing, I mean nothing, to eat. And at 12:30 I have an OB appointment.

What's a Knitty Professor to do?

9 a.m. I give Michael a big drug and a muscle relaxant and lay him down on the floor in the den on my yoga mat and turn out the lights. (Don't tell him I took this picture.)

9:30 a.m. I clean then kitchen, and then I start cooking. (I'm a snob about pasta. That's chicken sausage browning in olive oil and garlic, with some sun-dried tomatoes. Later I'll add a chopped onion 2-3 chopped tomatoes, and whole-grain penne.)

10 a.m. Clean my room, Adrian's room, and every other stinking room in the house.

12 p.m. Head to OB. Check out the cutest leg I've ever seen:

3 p.m. Getting in car from OB, phone rings. It's Adrian's preschool. He's sick, and I have to go pick him up. Seriously?

4 p.m. Home now. Sick kid and husband. Strangely, though, eggnog and a fire in the fireplace seem to be making things better, as does the pasta I threw together this morning. We're hanging out around the train table Michael made (as in, from scratch. carpenter. awesome.):

5 p.m. Mike says he'll watch Adrian so I can sew. I make this pillow using an old Christmas sweater that used to belong to Mary. I'll be mailing it to my sister-in-law so that she and her kids can enjoy it for Christmas.

6 p.m. Adrian to bath, then to bed. Relaxation all around. Whew.

We're really sad to be having Christmas without GrandMary. It's like a whole new holiday paradigm that we need to learn.

I'll post instructions on how to make a Christmas Sweater Pillow shortly. It was super easy and fun.

--Katie Rose

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Return to the Mountains

I’m back in the Carolina Mountains, this time with my BF and snow-loving poodle, Iva.


It snowed several inches last night, so we are glad to have plenty of oatmeal, egg nog, and hot chocolate to welcome us after a romp in the snow. And Iva is glad to have her new sweater.


This is based on the Side Button Greyhound Sweater pattern, which I chose because I thought Iva’s body type was similar to a greyhound’s deep chest and slim waist.

Since Iva is a bit smaller than a greyhound, I modified the pattern in order to make a small (not listed in the sizes). I can post detailed notes later, but basically I reduced each measurement or stitch count based on the numerical differences between the sizes listed.

I used some khaki green Plymouth Encore yarn I found at a thrift store.

It worked out quite well, although you can see the sweater could be a bit longer.


You can also see that the sweater has a tendency to ride up in front, but mostly only after some serious romping, like this:


More details on Ravelry, here.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sneaking Away During Sad Times

Mary died on a Tuesday--the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Michael and I hosted Thanksgiving at our house for all of our out-of-town family. The funeral was Saturday.

That Friday, after Mary died but before her funeral, Michael and I took our son Adrian to a local museum to sneak away just the three of us. We were sad, of course, and trying to find joy in small things. (That's my new thing, by the way.)

The local science museum has a small zoo of local animals--black bears, red wolves (my favorite), and lemurs. (Lemurs? Yes, they're local.) And every habitat we visited, it was like the animals knew we were coming, and put on the best show. It was incredible.

The black bears were snuggling right in front of us:

The lemurs were dancing around:

Two wolves ran all over their habitat, their red coats glimmering in the misty weather. Adrian loved watching:

He's wrapped in my version of the Lady Eleanor stole. I just made it wider and shorter, so it works as a stroller blanket. I used Noro Niji yarn, a crinkly yarn made of mostly silk and wool--so it is lightweight (fits under the stroller) and warm.

The morning we snuck away is such a precious memory for me. We didn't tell anyone we were going. Mike and I held hands the whole time. The museum was pretty empty because the morning started with rain and we got there early.

I've realized that sometimes happy memories don't just happen--you have to make them, on purpose.

--Katie Rose

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

/Knitting Like a Professor/ Pattern Slideshow

Here's a slideshow of the patterns in my new ebook, Knitting Like a Professor.

The book costs $16 and contains 15 patterns.

--Katie Rose

Saturday, December 4, 2010

eBook--Knitting Like a Professor--has arrived!

From Knit Book Title Pages

Click here to see thumbnails of all of the patterns included in the book.

The book is for sale via Ravelry for $16. The eBook includes Nella, Liliane, George Sand, Gamekeeper and a variety of other patterns that go for $6 regularly. There are 15 patterns in all, seven are brand new.

I guess I'm feeling the holiday spirit. I think we all (including me) should be knitting more and worrying less. I'll probably raise the price to $24 after New Year's, because my husband thinks I'm nuts for setting the price at $16.

Here's a list of the patterns included in the book:

1. Chartres Lace Stole
2. Chopin Cabled Mitts
3. Dalloway Eyelet Shrug
4. Gamekeeper Men's Pullover
5. George Sand Vest
6. Liliane Sweater Coat
7. Nella Cropped Cardigan
8. Nimbostratus Lace Shawl
9. Fairway Cable Jacket
10. Fuzz-Ball Bootees
11. Kudzu Shrug
12. Manava Baby Cardigan
13. Many-Worlds Cabled Blanket
14. Sediment Hat
15. Sediment Yoke Sweater

If you want to see all of the patterns, view the eBook's page on Ravelry by clicking here.

If you want to purchase the eBook, hit the button below.

--Katie Rose