We don't know yet if it is a boy or a girl, so we're calling it Rose-Edward. We're not very secretive about names, obviously. My mom says the ultrasound looks like a boy. Seriously?
My son Adrian (who has appeared on this blog here, here, here, etc. and yes I'm probably violating child labor laws making him model so much) will be 23 months when this one arrives in April.
That's going to be a lot of diapers.
I'm currently angsting, though, that these vampire books came out recently with some dude named Edward as the romantic hero (and don't lie and say you haven't read them). And now, apparently, every teen mom has named her kid Edward (and Cullen, apparently, too). Edward is my DH's favorite and late uncle. A wonderful man by all accounts. I just want to be sure we all know that I'm not naming my kid after a teen-fiction hero. (BTW, I freaking love teen fiction. I've read it all. No snobbery here AT ALL.)
Moving on to the fibery front.
I haven't posted any patterns or projects lately because I've been building up to a surprise: a book. After doing some research, I've decided to self-publish this one. It will be available through Ravelry as an eBook, or as a perfect-bound softcover book via Amazon.com and other online book retailers. It will contain some of the patterns that have been readers' favorites (such as Nella) and also a group of new patterns that I've been writing these past few months. I hope to have it out on the shelves come January. Late December if I'm bizarrely lucky and efficient.
Here's a sneak-peak of a super easy, top-down, stash-bustin', one-piece beaut that will be included in the book:
As with all Knitty Professors patterns, the patterns in this new collection will have lots of sizes, lots of good background stories, and lots of options for knitting in a cost-saving and eco-friendly way.
Peace on Halloween to all.
-Katie Rose