The Knitty Profesors
Jordynn Jack
Katie Rose Pryal

We are professors at a large university in the south. We spend much of our free time knitting and spinning and designing. Our designs are inspired by all things nerdy--you'll notice on our patterns page how varied our inspirations can be. The blog post for each pattern tells the story behind the pattern. Some of our patterns have appeared in knitting magazines, such as Knotions, Popknits, and The Anticraft.
We both came into knitting after the knit-blog revolution had begun, and we're grateful for the community of fiber artists that the internet provides. This blog is for sharing yarnish thrills and knowledge, including our original knitting and crochet patterns, encouraging eco-friendly fiber arts, through yarn recycling and rehabilitating knitted items, saving our souls from the alienation of postindustrialization.
We have two regular columns--find them in the navigation bar--"Knitting Travels," which includes reviews of LYSs all over the world, and "Fiber Facts," about the scientific side of fiber. We also write tutorials.
Katie spins with raw and recycled fibers. She produces fiber, yarn, and accessories for sale. Visit her Etsy page. Read more about her yarns on this blog here.
Jordynn is canadianbacon on Ravelry. Katie is krgp. Let's be friends!
A Note about our Patterns:
All of our patterns, including the ones offered for free, are protected by copyright. Here's what this means:
- If you would like to teach a course with a free pattern, that's fine with us. Please be sure that each person downloads their own version from our web site.
- If you would like to teach a course with a pattern that we sell, please (and this seems obvious) have each person purchase their own copy from our web site.
- Please do not knit our designs to sell for profit. You may, however, knit our designs to sell for a charity event. We ask that you please indicate (on the tag, etc.) that the design is ours.
- You may link to our blog and even republish our photos from our blog. Actually, we think that sort of sharing is a wonderful aspect of the internet. Please provide a link back to us, though, if you do republish photos.
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