Manava was an Indian mathematician who lived around 700 B.C. He wrote a famous treatise on geometry. The standing collar on this sweater invokes the collar of what we Westerners like to call the Nehru jacket, after the former prime minister of India. The bold stitch patterns of the jacket, such as the 90 degree angles of the raglan increases meeting up with the garter stitch stripes, invokes old-school geometry. The variety of buttons is just fun. Bust out that button stash.
I put the sweater on Edward and it fits him great. He just didn't want me to put him down. He's a very hold-y baby:

Rear view (and check out all of that blond hair. Where did THAT come from?):

And here's a happy Edward, being held by Mommy:
I guess I could just live on the couch.
Wait, I do that already. Can we say "Mad Men"-reruns?