Here's a WIP post from Katie, who has surfaced from new-baby-land to post on her blog.
I had to go to
my Ravelry page to even remember what I'm working on.
First, there are some secret design projects--I just finished this fabulous cardigan that Jordynn and I co-designed. Plus there is a lace project and another cardi/jacket that might or might not get written up to share with others. It's kind of a Frankenstein.
Because these are future designs I can't share them here--which means it's pretty stupid to even mention them, I guess. I'm doing it for my self-esteem, so I can feel like I'm actually accomplishing something.
Next there is my Pi Shawl--this has been going on for a long, long while, which apparently is normal for this project. I did have time to work on it lately, though.
When my water broke early and the OB told me to pack and come to the hospital, I packed my laptop and my Pi Shawl. (I was in denial that I would actually be having a baby, by the way.) I got a few inches done while I watched contractions happen on the monitor.
What they might not tell you about 24 hours of labor: It gets
Because this is a Pi Shawl, the WIP photograph looks like a low-level life form:

Then there's the second
Gamekeeper sweater that I'm knitting for my husband. The idea is to knit a matching one for Adrian for this winter.
I'm also working on
Veronique from French Girl Knits. This is really slow going--but I really like the pattern and have a feeling it will fit me both now and after I lose the baby belly.
I'm still revising my
Wisp as well--I'm putting on an edging from Victorian Lace Today to give the shawl more oomph. That is, to make it bigger so I will actually wear it.
So, babymaking, yes. But knitting too. I can't wait til Jordynn and I can show you our new cardi design.