Unlike his brother Adrian, Edward is a very large baby.
I made the mistake of making my Manava Cardigan [blog post here] [Ravelry] in a 6-12 month size. Well, Edward (b. 4/18/11), who is only 8.5 months old, has thoroughly outgrown the garment.
And it's only now cold enough to wear it.

I squeezed it on him anyway, for one last photo shoot. It looks a little silly. (By the way, the 100% wool giraffe rug is courtesy of Overstock.com. Everyone always asks. That's what's on the floor in the boys' room.)

Yes, that's pureed carrots on his face. Yum. (Yes he's a complete tow-head. NO idea where that comes from. No, he's not wearing pants. I know EXACTLY where that comes from.)
Good-bye, Manava. We will miss you.