This post just brushes the surface of a much larger topic: women, weight, postpartum body changes, and fashion.
Really, it seems that if you want to wear cool clothes after having a baby, you are SOL. Because cool clothes do not EVER take into account the subtle (or not-so-subtle) body changes that most of us go through after schlepping a watermelon around in our midsections for months/weeks on end. Let alone two of them.
So, this state of fashion affairs pissed me off.
Here are a few mods that I made to my own clothes so that I could wear them again. The clothes fit great everywhere EXCEPT in the waist area. This is a life-change consequence, not a diet-and-exercise consequence. My body--gasp--has changed since I had my 2 boys.
But too many clothes are still made for women who are built like 12 year olds. I can surrender to the mom jean, or I can attack.
Guerrilla Momma Mod #1
Add another jean button to my Citizens for Humanity jeans.
Supplies: Package of dungaree buttons from any craft store. Make sure the diameter matches the other button. Hammer it in place, gives you 1 extra inch.

Guerrilla Momma Mod #2
Add another set of eye-closures to my Gap Real Skinny trousers.
Supplies: Package of hook-and-eye closures from any craft store. Try to match the color to your pants.

A little trickier, but makes all the difference.
What else have folks out there done?
Remember--you can have fashion, and this is as well:

(Yes, my Edward is dressed as a cow. Costco had 2 costume choices: gray rat (okay, mouse) or black and white cow. One for boys, one for girls. I liked the cow better. Because the other one looked like a rat. Why do people get all freaked out about a six month old dressed as a cow???)